This ships about to set sail,
I can hear them calling my name
is this how they felt when the Titantic set sail?
An over bearing cloud of judgement, jealously and love
lingering in the air
I'm struggling to stand,
the weights tearing me down
bringing me to my knees
all the things I have to do
I'm running out of time
The ones I love, cherish, need and adore
all about to be lost
I know there is only a sea between us
but what happens when the waves come crashing down
when the sails upon this ship break,
cutting all ties with those back home.
I know it's all to enhance this never ending game
we are forced upon a stage greater than ourselves.
we make choices to better ourselves
I've finally made mine
All I want is you to be happy for me,
not struggle with the loss you'll suffer
If we help one another,
we can play this game
make new pieces,
new choices,
new stories
some will be of success, failure, love and loss
but that's all part of life
we just need to learn to hold on,
onto the ones that matter
and to shut those selfish few out of your game.
So take control and make up your own rules.
The ones we were born with are only set as a guideline,
don't let anyone ever tell you,
you cant do it, or your not good enough.
We are all good enough.
So open those doors, don't be afraid. Seize the day,
take all the opportunities you can gain
And if the wings on your plane begin to crack,
stand strong and take over,
your the pilot now so lead your future.
I won't let my ship sink,
I know even if I did
I have strong and true hearts that'd help me
back onto the route I have chosen.
Don't be afraid of detours.
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